Tuesday 9 May 2023

10th Annual Physical Education Summer Symposium

 Date:          Wednesday August 23, 2023

Time:         9:00am – 12:00pm 

Location:    FFCA SWE Campus – 898 Sylvester Cres. S.W. Calgary

Agenda:     8:45-9:00am arrival

                  Session 1: 9:00am-9:55am

                  Session 2: 10:00am-10:55am

                  Session 3: 11:00am-11:55am

Session Block #1 – 9:00am – 9:55am






Escape Rooms Physical Education Style

Sonia Sheehan, FFCA SWE Campus




Curling (A Target Game)

Brian Broad, FFCA NWE Campus



Session Block #2 – 10:00am – 10:55am






Introducing Parkour with Simple Equipment and Your Playground

Chris Shaw, FFCA South Middle School Campus

Meet in Gymnasium, be prepared to go outside once the session starts


Teaching Nutrition in an Active Way

Melissa Brooks, FFCA NEE Campus



Session Blook #3 – 11:00am – 11:55am






Share Your Favorite Game or Activity

All FFCA Physical Education Specialists and you too!



Possible Outdoor activities

Please join us for this excellent physical education professional development opportunity on Wednesday August 23 at FFCA SWE Campus, 898 Sylvester Cres. S.W.  There is no cost to participate in this event.  Please complete your registration through the google link:

Registration Link:


.**In registering for this workshop you are voluntarily providing your personal information and consenting to its collection, use and disclosure for all purposes connected with our participation as a member of the workshop. **

Session Descriptions:


Session Block #1: 9:00am- 9:55am

Session Title: Escape Rooms Physical Education Style

Presenter:  Sonia Sheehan, FFCA Southwest Elementary Campus Physical Education Specialist, HPEC Vice President Communications

Description: This session will show you how to bring the concept of escape rooms or breakout boxes to your physical education class. Using teamwork, communication, problem-solving, critical thinking while incorporating physical activity, a series of locks will need to be cracked to reveal the treasure inside the breakout box. Come prepared to try your hand at escaping and breaking out of the box. Learn how you can set up your own breakout boxes to enhance your physical education program.

Grade Level Focus: Grade 3 to Grade 12


(indoor session)


Session Block #1: 9:00am- 9:55am

Session Title: Curling (A Target Game)

Presenter: Brian Broad, FFCA Northwest Elementary Physical Education Specialist

Description: This session will show you how to introduce curling, a target game that is quickly growing in popularity. It will keep your students active in winter months. Learn the terms, skills and scoring while playing a fun social game. This can be taught in the gym with limited equipment and expense, or students can use specialized equipment and play it in alternative facilities. 

Grade Level Focus: K-4


(indoor session)


Session Block #2: 10:00am – 10:55am

Session Title: Introducing Parkour with Simple Equipment and Your Playground

Presenter: Chris Shaw, FFCA South Middle School Physical Education Specialist

Description: Parkour is currently a very popular activity for youth.  It is a great application for your everyday gymnastics unit!  Using your everyday gymnasium equipment and your playground, teachers can offer students an exciting and challenging parkour experience.  

Grade level Focus: Grade 3 - 8


(meet indoor for this session and some activity will take place outdoors)


Session Block #2: 10:00am – 10:55am

Session Title: Teaching Nutrition in an Active Way

Presenter: Melissa Brooks, FFCA Northeast Elementary Physical Education Specialist

Description:  This session gives teachers ideas of how to address the nutritional outcomes of the new PEW curriculum in an active way. 

Grade Level: K - Grade 4


(indoor session)


Session Block #3: 11:00-11:55am

Session Title:  Share Your Favorite Game or Activity

Presenter: All FFCA Physical Education Specialists and anyone attending the session can share

DescriptionThis session will give us the opportunity to share some of our favorite games and activities with each other. The FFCA specialists will share the games and activities that the students ask for year after year. You will also have the opportunity to share your favorites as well. We have most equipment you will need, if you require specialized equipment, feel free to bring it. We look forward to learning from everyone!

Grade Level: K-12


(indoor session, but if you have a great outdoor game or activity to share, we can go outdoors)