Monday, 6 January 2025

Valuable Online Resources and Websites for Health and Physical Education Teachers:

 Submitted by: Sonia Sheehan, HPEC Vice President Communications

As a full-time physical education teacher in Alberta for over 24 years, I have collected and utilized several online resources and websites to help elevate my teaching practice and ensure I have a variety of supports to help me reach the outcomes of the curriculum I need to teach. Here is a list and brief description of Valuable Online Resources and Websites that may assist health, wellness and physical education teachers in their planning and delivery of a quality health and physical education program. Many of the online resources are available to teachers at no cost and provide priceless benefits to a physical education teacher.

1.       Alberta Physical Education Curriculum:

·       Resource includes the Alberta learning outcomes, knowledge, understandings and procedures that Alberta teachers need to cover when teaching K-6 Physical Education and Wellness.

2.       HPEC Website:

·       Website of the Health and Physical Education Council (HPEC) of the Alberta Teachers’ Association and contains upcoming professional development opportunities, resources and links to apply for grants.

3.       HPEC Resource Page:

·       HPEC’s resource webpage.

4.       HPEC Blog Posts:

·       HPEC blog with numerous best practices for teaching health and physical education, including posts on the following topics: Empowering Student Voice, Creating a Learning Environment that Supports and Encourages all Students in Physical Education Class, Everyday Routines for Your Wellness, Warm Up Games, A Successful Physical Education School Year Start Up, Winter Holiday Games, Physical Education Resources for National Peoples’ Indigenous Day, Fostering Resilience in Schools and the Classroom, Meaningful PE, and many more topics.

5.       HPEC Publications:

·       A collection of HPEC’s past publications

6.       Ever Active Schools (EAS) Free Downloads:

·       Website link to EAS free downloadable resources for teaching health, physical education and wellness.

7.        PHE Canada Journal:

·       Links to a range of PHE journal articles on health, physical education, sport, wellness, and more.

8.       PHE Canada Professional Learning Assessment in Physical and Health Education:

·       Links to suggestions for quality physical education and health assessment practices.

9.       PHE Canada Professional Learning Quality Physical Education:

·       An overview of a quality physical education program.

10.   Alberta Health Services (AHS) Lesson Plans:

·       AHS Lesson Plans for Elementary, Junior High and High School on addiction and mental health.

11.   Teaching Sexual Health:

·       A comprehensive website for teaching sexual health curricular topics.

12.   US Games Open PE Website:

·       OPEN website with access to a free membership and high quality free physical education resources created by teachers in the physical education community.

13.   ThePhysicalEducator Website:

·       Online professional development resource for physical education teachers.

14.   The PE Specialist Website:

·       Website with resources, teaching tips and blog to support teaching physical education.

15.   John Byl, GoCanada4Sports Website:

·       Collection of games and videos to support teaching physical education.