Saturday 22 July 2017

Conference Grant Recipient: Alicia Kudryk

Reverse Football
By Alicia Kudryk

Objective: The team who successfully gets all of their players in the end zone first wins. Players get into the end zone by throwing a football to a teammate in the end zone, who successfully catches the ball. The objective of this game has similar properties to benchball, however, provides further development of throwing to a moving target and being able coordinate passing patterns. This is a great game for large PE classes (40 or more).

Grade Level:  7 to 12.  For junior high, have the students throw the short length of the gym to develop their coordination and strength.  For high school, set up the long length of the gym. Adaptations of the centre line to shorten the throwing distance can be made for any grade if students are continually experiencing difficulty throwing into the end zone.

  • 1 football for every 5 students participating (For example, 8 footballs for 40 participants).
  • Indoor gymnasium with lines to identify end zone and centre line.
  • Pinnies can help distinguish teams, however, not necessary.

Set up:
Junior High (Rotate layout for high school and advanced throwers.)
  • Amount of players vary depending on class size, 35 or more ideal.

  • Put half of the footballs on each side to start. Blow whistle to commence game.
  • Players must throw the ball from their half to target in the endzone. Adaptation can be made for specific player if necessary.
  • If ball is caught by the target, the player who threw the ball must go over to the end zone. Players can not throw for team mates.
  • Players are allowed to block thrown passes as long as the do not enter the other team’s end zone.
  • After a ball is caught, it must be put down for the other team, players in the end zone can not throw the ball back to their team.
  • The throw counts as a catch if it does not hit the floor, walls or roof before getting to the target.
  • Balls caught after hitting or bouncing off of other players count as a successful catch.
  • Players in the end zone must keep feet behind line, if feet are touching the line when the ball is caught that catch is unsuccessful.
  • Team will all of their players in the end zone first, win the game.

  • Starting the game with footballs on each side reduces collisions at the centre line.
  • All benches and other Physical Education equipment should be clear from play area, especially the end zone.
  • A lesson on awareness and keeping heads up during play is mandatory.  Students are vulnerable to getting hit with the flying footballs and other people.
  • Teaching kids how to use the phrase “heads up” goes nicely with this activity.

Learning Outcomes:
  • Students develop, basic and advanced, throwing and catching techniques.
  • Students develop spatial awareness.
  • Students develop and understand roles that help contribute to team strategies.
  • Students build coordination, strength and endurance.
  • Student build understanding of varying abilities in sport.
  • Student practice sportsmanship in a competitive game.
  • And so much more.

**Thank you Scott Staples for teaching me this game.