Monday 16 October 2017

Movement Education - HPE Community Resource Sharing

Searching our Evidence-based resources to inform an understanding of Physical Education Program of Studies' outcomes at times can be a challenging process. I have been grateful for the resources leaders in the HPE community have developed and generously shared. To "pay it forward" here is a resource to add to this community.

For some time I had been searching for quality, user-friendly resources to help break-down the concepts of body and space awareness, effort, and relationships that can be found in 27 of the 45 or 60% of the Basic Skills outcomes in the Alberta 4-12 Physical Education Program of Studies.

I found what I was looking for when I came across Chapter 4 from Foundations of Physical Education and Sport by Deborah A. Wuest and Charles A. Buscher in the form of a Powerpoint presentation (found HERE). This resource was used to develop visuals for teaching that break down the components of body and space awareness, effort, and relationships. Click the image below to be directed to a page where this resource can be viewed and downloaded.

In my opinion, the Concepts of Movement Education are fundamental to the development of Physical Literacy and the sharing of resources may contribute to educators' understanding of these concepts supporting the development of physically literate students. 

I hope that others may find this resource useful and that we, as an HPE community, continue to pay it forward.

~ Elisha O'Lain 2016-18 HPEC President