Monday 19 March 2018


HPEC Executives List of Who to Follow!

Our HPEC Executive Family took some time to compile a list of people, blogs, and podcasts that we follow. These are not necessarily endorsements, rather they are a list that have helped us grow in our teaching practice. This list is a working document and will continue to grow as more become available!



Dr. Doug Gleddie (@doug_gleddie)- Purposeful Movement

Dr. Amanda Stanec (@movelivelearn) - MoveLiveLearn

Joey Feith (@joeyfeith) - The Physical Educator

Nathon Horne - iPHYS-ED.COM -


The PE Geek Podcast -

Global PhysEd Voxcast -


HPEC Alberta @albertaHPEC Health, Physical Education, Professional Development, Growth, Leadership, Healthy Active School Community

Ever Active Schools @EverActiveAB  Supporting healthy school communities in Alberta! Working to ensure students live, learn and play in a healthy, positive environment

AMA Youth Run Club @AMAYouthRunClub ‏ The Alberta Medical Association Youth Run Club is a free, fun, school-based running program designed to get children and youth physically active.

The Alberta Medical Association - @Albertadoctors ‏ The Alberta Medical Association represents Alberta physicians, resident physicians and medical students.

SHAPE @SHAPE_Alberta ‏ SHAPE (Safe Healthy Active People Everywhere) is the provincial voice for school active transportion and lead for #WinterWalkDay

ASAA @ASAA The Alberta Schools' Athletic Association is a voluntary, non profit organization that coordinates athletic activities for students of Alberta in their schools.

Alberta Education @AlbertaEd Alberta Education - supporting students, parents, teachers and administrators from Early Childhood Services through grade 12.

PHE Canada@PHECanada As a strong national charitable organization, we envision a future wherein all children and youth in Canada live healthy, physically active lives
Alberta Teachers Asn @albertateachers ATA, as the professional organization of teachers, advances public education, safeguards standards of professional practice and advocates for its members.

Be Fit For Life Ntwk @bfflnetwork ‏ Network of 9 centres, striving to support the development of #PhysicalLiteracy and enable Albertans to be physically active where they live, work and play!

APPLE Schools @APPLESchools ‏ Healthy Kids in Healthy Schools The APPLE Schools Foundation Charity

AB Rec & Parks Assn. @arpaonline  Alberta Recreation & Parks Association builds healthy communities, environments, and citizens throughout Alberta.

CPRA @CPRA_ACPL Canadian Parks and Recreation Association / L’Association canadienne des parcs et loisirs - dedicated to realizing the full potential of parks and recreation.

JCSH-CCES @jcshcces ‏ The Joint Consortium for School Health is a partnership of provincial, territorial, and federal government departments to advance comprehensive school health.

KidSport Calgary @KidSportCalgary ‏ KidSport Calgary and Area raises funds to remove the financial barriers that prevent some kids from participating in organized sport.

Wellness Fund @WellnessFundAB ‏ The Wellness Fund advances #comprehensiveschoolhealth by funding projects that enhance health and wellness.

SIPRC@SIPRC_ ‏ Sport Injury Prevention Research Centre, University of Calgary; an IOC Research Centre of Excellence in Injury Prevention in Sport

GEOEC@GEOEC ‏ Global, Environmental, & Outdoor Education Council (GEOEC) of the Alberta Teachers' Association.

Joyful Endeavours @JoyceSunada ‏ Wellness Educator/Speaker/Wellness Coach inspirers, empowers and ignites educators to live joyful and fulfilling lives!

CIRA Ontario@CIRAOntario ‏ Promoting fun active participation for all through intramural, recreation, and physical education programs. Fun, inclusive, play through active games :)

SPEA - @SPEAonline ‏ Providing quality leadership, advocacy, and resources for professionals in physical education and wellness in SK.

PHE Manitoba @PHE_Manitoba PHE Manitoba (formerly MPETA) is an educational and professional organization which is dedicated to serve physical and health education in Manitoba Schools.

New Brunswick Physical Education Society - @NBPES ‏ New Brunswick Physical Education Society, providing strong PE and Health programs, resources and leadership for NB Teachers.

Thompson Kto12@ThompsonKto12 ‏ For over 25 years, Thompson Educational Publishing has been publishing evidence and curriculum-based H&PE resources

The PE Geek@mrrobbo ‏ I travel the world helping #physed teachers use technology more meaningfully in their classes. Founder of @ConnectedPE & @thepegeekapps

PhysEdGames@PhysedGames ‏ Simple game ideas for PE teachers. Easy-to-follow video explanations. Learn a quick new game to use in your class!

OPEN Phys Ed @OPENPhysEd @iPhys_Ed ‏ Physical Education with Purpose

Dr. Doug Gleddie - @doug_gleddie Interested in quality physical education, physical literacy, PE teacher education, healthy schools, holistic education and joy.

Amanda Stanec, PhD @MoveLiveLearn ‏ Founder: MoveLiveLearn, #PhysEd#Sport #PhysicalLiteracy Consultant & Writer I Wife | Mum of 3 l Speaker I Run•Tri•Yoga I @TrueSport Ambassa…

andy vasily @andyvasily ‏ KAUST Faculty, Pedagogical Coordinator/Workshop Leader. #RunYourLife podcast host #Physed. #TEDX Speaker.

Andy Horne @MrHorne101 ‏ Passionate High School Health & PE Teacher, Tech Enthusiast, Basketball & Golf Coach, Presenter, Scholarly Rapper, 2015 National Health TOY

Andy Hair@MrHairPhysEd ‏ Physical Education Physical Literacy Coach, Content Creator, Harder the challenge the better the day. Co-Founder #AussiePhysed

Naomi Hartl @MissHartl ‏ PE Development, Tech Specialist & Writer for @Sportime_SPARK | @OregonSHAPE Board of Directors | Collaborator on @PHYSEDagogy

Ryan Fahey @wellnessrf ‏ Leader in School Wellness & Physical Literacy | Physical Educator | Coach @NYUAbuDhabi | Personal Trainer | @Medium Top Leadership Writer

Jo Bailey @LovePhyEd ‏ Can't sit still. Runner. Past President WHPE. Midwest HS #PhysEd TOY. #GoogleEI NBCT. #Fitbit & rugby addict. Spark iTeam member

K-5 Physical Educator, NBCT, CA/SWD TOY 2008, Pleasanton Unified TOY 2016, SHAPE America Board of Directors, Founder Health & Physical Education Collaborative

Jorge Rodriguez @PhysedNow ‏ I am a PE teacher in Houston, TX. Lead Teacher and Key Teacher for HISD. I have a M.Ed. and I am a proud member of the SPARK iTeam.