Thursday 12 April 2018

e-Sprinter Presidents Message Follow-up

Hello HPEC Blog readers,

The open sharing taking place in the online HPEC community has provided a wonderful tool to overcome the silo effect”; where teachers may become isolated in their own school community and experience minimal interaction with colleagues that have similar passions.  Personally, this has aided in building professional confidence as sharing has provided examples of others pursuing similar philosophies and examples of different tools, activities, and resources used in their implementation.

As promised to expand on the information in the Spring HPEC e-Sprinter Presidents message, here are a few great resources.

Physical Literacy

To begin, here is a link to Canada's Physical Literacy Consensus statement (June 2015)

and here is a good introduction to the concepts of Physical Literacy (our school has played this for parents alongside opportunities to participate in activities at our celebration of learning)

As adapted graphics supporting this video

Outcome-Based instruction or Purposeful PE

A few great blogs as an introduction:
A Video resource from Terri Drain:

Podcast: #98 Unpacking The Standards - Global PhysEd Voxcast (podcast)

iTunes University & Slide Presentation:

This is the sharing of my journey moving to an outcome-based program in detail through an ATA iUniversity Course An Outcome-Based Focus in Physical Education by Alberta Teachers' Association, or as an overview PD session presentation Purposeful PE


A great reminder for our own mindset and how we give feedback or "praise" to our students. Understanding the characteristics of a growth and a fixed mindset brought a new level of awareness to how I communicated with the students and how I encouraged them to communicate with themselves and others. It also spurred a focus on how mistakes and missteps are a part learning, that they are evidence of learning and they help us become better.

ConnectedPE PodcastListen to Episode 35 - The Impact of Mindset in PE with Dan Haesler from ConnectedPE - Professional Development for Physical Educators in Podcasts.

And Joey Feith's Always a Yeti Poster

Inquiry-based instruction

The question of why do I want students to learn the content I am delivering and how do I ensure they can use these learned skills and knowledge throughout their life has lead me to the incorporation of inquiry-based teaching methods and models. One of the Physical Education Models that I find success utilizing and links with inquiry-based instruction is the Teaching Games for Understanding Model (TGfU)  

"Students engaged in inquiry-based learning develop higher-order thinking skills such as: analyzing, synthesizing, evaluating, and reflecting, and they become more independent as they take responsibility for their own learning. As students pose their own questions their curiosity is piqued and as a result, they are more engaged in the learning process. Throughout the inquiry process students also learn and practice collaboration and communication skills." An excerpt from UNDERSTANDING INQUIRY IN HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION

A few resources:

Inquiry-Based Learning in Health and Physical Education from OPHEA
Inquiry in PE Blog Article from

Student choice and self-direction

Incorporating choice is a student-centered learning process that is active, engaging, and goal-directed. It fosters responsibility, promotes decision-making, provides students with a sense of ownership, and holds them accountable for their learning (Pagnano & Griffin 2001).

Increasing Student PE Participation and Enjoyment through Choice Based Action

Using the power of enabling students to make choices to direct their own learning, for example, guided learning situations that provided students with the knowledge and skills to modify or change activities to incorporate personal challenge and motivate their own participation. This can be as simple as student lead creating the dimensions of the field or the addition of rules such as the number of passes before scoring.  

Guided student choice in my experience has proven to be an effective tool in the differentiated classroom, in teaching students how to personally challenge themselves with intrinsic motivation and as a method to help students gain skills and confidence to independently create their own physical activity situations.  

Modules are a great opportunity for student choice... but to be honest, I did not enjoy teaching within a program that was 100% modular based.  I found my ability to build on previous learning, develop a deeper level of understanding, assess for learning, and create a safe and inclusive culture was more challenging as module classes changed ever 6-10 days.  The program I currently am a part of blends modules and a key homeroom class.  Modules provide students a choice for their activity and an opportunity to focus on specific activity based skills.  Unit mills (a series of units all classes rotate through) provide students with a consistent teacher and peer group and are set-up to focus on fundamental physical education concepts.  The blend of these two program delivery methods provides both student choice and a quality instruction opportunity. 

Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility through Physical Activity

Teaching students to become responsible and caring citizens, essential skills for life and valuable in establishing a safe, inclusive environment where students feel comfortable taking risks in their participation in physical activity. 

I have also put some of my favorite go-to resources on

Thank you for always learning and for your passion for Quality Health and Physical Education.