HPEC Executive Members Share Top Physical Education Teaching Tips, Equipment,
Warm Up Games and their view of Life's a Journey...Let it be...
Name: Megan Brain
HPEC Executive Position: Vice President of Membership Engagement Services
Favourite Piece of Equipment when teaching: My own body!
Favourite Warm up Game: 7 passes (Keep away). With this simple game that can be
played in small groups, you can modify the rules and equipment really easily. For
example, players can take 3 steps with the ball, players aren't allowed to move with the
ball, you have to get 7 passes and then pass the ball in the end zone or throw it off the
wall and catch it. You can play with a rugby ball, a handball, a chicken, a soccer ball,
etc... It is a great warm-up game for any type of invasion activity that you are doing.
played in small groups, you can modify the rules and equipment really easily. For
example, players can take 3 steps with the ball, players aren't allowed to move with the
ball, you have to get 7 passes and then pass the ball in the end zone or throw it off the
wall and catch it. You can play with a rugby ball, a handball, a chicken, a soccer ball,
etc... It is a great warm-up game for any type of invasion activity that you are doing.
Teaching Tip: Get involved with your PE community. Attend professional development
whenever possible (within our province, outside of our province, outside our country)!
Stay inspired in what you do and learn from the experts in our field. We are never too
'old' to learn new tips/strategies.
Life's a Journey...Let it be Full of things that make you happy!
whenever possible (within our province, outside of our province, outside our country)!
Stay inspired in what you do and learn from the experts in our field. We are never too
'old' to learn new tips/strategies.
Life's a Journey...Let it be Full of things that make you happy!
Megan Brain, VP of Membership Engagement Services
Name: Zach Hay
HPEC Executive Position: Regional Representative Southwest Region
Favourite Piece of Equipment when teaching: Fingers to whistle
Favourite Warm-up Game: Shuttle run with music. The simple set up and ability to
accommodate many students makes this drill my favourite for warm ups. Also,
students seem to enjoy the music and the suspense of whether or not they are going to
be stuck in the middle to do a "gift of fitness." It is a great opportunity to practice many
important fundamental movement patterns.
accommodate many students makes this drill my favourite for warm ups. Also,
students seem to enjoy the music and the suspense of whether or not they are going to
be stuck in the middle to do a "gift of fitness." It is a great opportunity to practice many
important fundamental movement patterns.
Teaching Tip: Never stop learning and collaborate with like minded people.
Zach Hay, RR Southeast Region
Name: Jonathan Dick
HPEC Executive Position: Regional Representative Southwest Region
Favourite Piece of Equipment when teaching: Soft “V” Training Volleyballs
Favourite Warm up Game: All variations of tag.
Teaching Tip: Being flexible is key, especially teaching Phys Ed. Things change quickly
and sometimes you just gotta go with it…
and sometimes you just gotta go with it…
Life's a Journey...Let it be Fun and Exciting
Jonathan Dick, RR Southwest Region
Name: Anne Murphy
HPEC Executive Position: Regional Representative Greater Calgary Region
Favourite Piece of Equipment when teaching: My own body
Favourite Warm up Game: Porcupines. This is a Rock/Paper/Scissors challenge.
Equipment needed- clothespins. Make 4 teams. Each team chooses a "porcupine" who
will be at the opposite end of the playing area.The first person in line plays R/P/S with
the first person from another team. Winner runs to get a clothespin (porcupine quill)
and then runs down to give it to their porcupine (this person can hold the clothespin or
put it on their clothing). Loser of the challenge goes to the end of their team's line. At
the end of a pre-determined amount of time, the team with the most "quills" on their
porcupine wins that round.
Equipment needed- clothespins. Make 4 teams. Each team chooses a "porcupine" who
will be at the opposite end of the playing area.The first person in line plays R/P/S with
the first person from another team. Winner runs to get a clothespin (porcupine quill)
and then runs down to give it to their porcupine (this person can hold the clothespin or
put it on their clothing). Loser of the challenge goes to the end of their team's line. At
the end of a pre-determined amount of time, the team with the most "quills" on their
porcupine wins that round.
Teaching Tip: Try new things! Be adventurous and willing to attempt new activities or
ideas in your classes.
ideas in your classes.
Life's a Journey...Let it be awesome
Anne Murphy, RR Greater Calgary Region
Name: Emily Gauthier
HPEC Executive Position: Regional Representative Calgary Region
Favourite Piece of Equipment when teaching: Rubber Animals
Favourite Warm up Game: Flickerball
Teaching Tip: Get a whistle!
Life's a Journey...Let it be _FUN___________
Name: Jonathan Mauro
HPEC Executive Postion: Regional Representative Central (Red Deer) Region and
Co-Conference Chair 2019
Co-Conference Chair 2019
Favourite Piece of Equipment when teaching: The Outdoors
Favourite Warm up Game: Tennis ball football/Rock paper scissors (using tennis balls
instead of soccer balls) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7-zB-zCDY4
instead of soccer balls) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7-zB-zCDY4
Teaching Tip: Enjoy what you do, and who you are with. Be happy and build
relationships first.
Life's a Journey...Let it be joyful

relationships first.
Life's a Journey...Let it be joyful
Jonathan Mauro, RR Central Region, and family
Name: Jami Danko
HPEC Executive Position: Regional Representative Greater Edmonton Region
Favourite Piece of Equipment when teaching: Music!
Favourite Warm up Game: Real life Rock-Paper-Scissors. You have two teams that face
off in the middle of the gymnasium, with a count-down lead by the teacher. When the
teacher says, "shoot" (Rock, Paper, Scissor, Shoot) the teams show their action of
choice. Rock (crouch down low), Paper (stand up with arms and legs spread out),
Scissor (arms crossed above head). The winning team chases the losing team. If a
player is tagged, they join the opposing team and it continues until no players remain
on one team (or until designated amount of time is over).
off in the middle of the gymnasium, with a count-down lead by the teacher. When the
teacher says, "shoot" (Rock, Paper, Scissor, Shoot) the teams show their action of
choice. Rock (crouch down low), Paper (stand up with arms and legs spread out),
Scissor (arms crossed above head). The winning team chases the losing team. If a
player is tagged, they join the opposing team and it continues until no players remain
on one team (or until designated amount of time is over).
Teaching Tip: Be a life long learner and role model for the area of physical education.
Attend PDs, seek out new ideas from colleagues, stay physically active yourself.
Attend PDs, seek out new ideas from colleagues, stay physically active yourself.
Life's a Journey...Let it be Fun!
Jami Danko, RR Greater Edmonton Region
Name: Gregg Brain
HPEC Executive Position: Regional Representative Edmonton Region
Favourite Piece of Equipment when teaching: Music!
Favourite Warm-up Game: Rock, Paper, Scissor...Math infused games (adding/
multiplication/etc), using decks of cards (exercise)...sometimes I give students pieces
of equipment and challenge them to come up with an innovative way to use them, or a
creative game that hasn’t been done before!
multiplication/etc), using decks of cards (exercise)...sometimes I give students pieces
of equipment and challenge them to come up with an innovative way to use them, or a
creative game that hasn’t been done before!
Teaching Tip: Learn from the students…”What can you do”; Invest in your students
(read what they read, listen to what they listen to, talk about interests of theirs!!)
(read what they read, listen to what they listen to, talk about interests of theirs!!)
Gregg Brain, RR Edmonton Region, and Megan Brain
Name: Heather Rootsaert
HPEC Executive Position: Regional Representative Edmonton Region
Favourite Piece of Equipment when teaching: Music
Favourite Warm up Game: Hmmm...so many to choose from. This is not a game,
but challenging students to move any other way(s) besides running or walking is
always fun.
but challenging students to move any other way(s) besides running or walking is
always fun.
Teaching Tip: Let your students ‘in’! It’s ok & important for them to see you make
mistakes because that is how we ALL learn and it is what makes us human! AND...Be
Life's a journey...Let it be full of fun and laughter:)
mistakes because that is how we ALL learn and it is what makes us human! AND...Be
Life's a journey...Let it be full of fun and laughter:)
Heather Rootsaert, RR Edmonton Region
Name: Michael Hargas
HPEC Executive Position: Regional Representative Central West Region
Favourite Piece of Equipment when teaching: My Stereo!
Favourite Warm up Game: Taps. You use one ball with two teams. One team tries to
complete 5 passes in a row to score a point. If a pass is intercepted or dropped it's the
other team's ball.
complete 5 passes in a row to score a point. If a pass is intercepted or dropped it's the
other team's ball.
Teaching Tip: Always stay positive and make time for yourself! Healthy you means a
healthy class!
healthy class!
Life's a Journey...Let it be full of mistakes
Michael Hargas, RR Central West Region
Name: Lea Bamsey
HPEC Executive Position: Regional Representative Central West Region
Favourite Piece of Equipment when teaching: PINNIES... I love to join in with my
students when they play and I can never remember who is on my team. I can use
pinnies for "tails", markers on a trail, to set boundaries when I forget my cones in the
gym... pretty much anything
students when they play and I can never remember who is on my team. I can use
pinnies for "tails", markers on a trail, to set boundaries when I forget my cones in the
gym... pretty much anything
Teaching Tip: Participate with your students!
Life's a Journey...Let it be a challenge
Lea Bamsey, RR Central West Region
Name: Tessa Dagenais
HPEC Executive Position: Regional Representative North East Region
Favourite Warm up Game: Builders and Bulldozers; Split the class into two teams.
Spread out circular disc cones all over the gym floor half upside down, and the other
half upright. One team are the builders; they flip the cones upright. The other team are
the bulldozers; they flip the cones upside down. When you say start, both teams must
run around the gym either flipping over or flipping back upright the cones. Stop them
after a minute or so, and count the cones to see which team flipped the most. Next, mix
it up and have the teams not be able to use their hands, and only use their feet to flip
the cones, only their shoulders, etc. Switch up the teams from bulldozers to builders as
Spread out circular disc cones all over the gym floor half upside down, and the other
half upright. One team are the builders; they flip the cones upright. The other team are
the bulldozers; they flip the cones upside down. When you say start, both teams must
run around the gym either flipping over or flipping back upright the cones. Stop them
after a minute or so, and count the cones to see which team flipped the most. Next, mix
it up and have the teams not be able to use their hands, and only use their feet to flip
the cones, only their shoulders, etc. Switch up the teams from bulldozers to builders as
Teaching Tip: Get on social media and follow other PE teachers! I’m the only PE teacher
at my school, and discovering the massive world online of shared resources and new
ideas amongst PE teachers around the world is really inspiring and motivating to me to
keep learning!
at my school, and discovering the massive world online of shared resources and new
ideas amongst PE teachers around the world is really inspiring and motivating to me to
keep learning!
Life's a Journey...Let it be full of energy and fun!
Tessa Dagenais, RR North East Region
Name: Nick Brown
HPEC Executive Position: Regional Representative North East Region
Favourite Piece of Equipment when teaching: Hula Hoops
Favourite Warm up Game: Fundamental Tag - Place fundamental warm up cards on the
board. Select 2-5 students to be taggers, give them a red ball. Students will all start
running. When they are tagged (touched by the red ball - students are not allowed to
throw the ball) they change their locomotion to the FMS card that is top on the list.
When they are tagged again they move down to the next locomotion. Game is over
when everyone is doing the last FMS card on the board.
Teaching Tip: Progressions never happen without regressions.
Life's a Journey...Let it be a long one! Stay active,healthy, and happy!
Teaching Tip: Progressions never happen without regressions.
board. Select 2-5 students to be taggers, give them a red ball. Students will all start
running. When they are tagged (touched by the red ball - students are not allowed to
throw the ball) they change their locomotion to the FMS card that is top on the list.
When they are tagged again they move down to the next locomotion. Game is over
when everyone is doing the last FMS card on the board.
Teaching Tip: Progressions never happen without regressions.
Life's a Journey...Let it be a long one! Stay active,healthy, and happy!
Teaching Tip: Progressions never happen without regressions.
Nick Brown, RR North East, and family
Name: Katey Scully
HPEC Executive Position: Regional Representative Northwest Region
Favourite Piece of Equipment when teaching: Wireless Microphone headset
Favourite Warm up Game: I love the game Buffalo. We play with pool noodles and
throw them like spears at the heard of buffalo 'kids" that run across the gym. When
you get hit with a noodle you become a buffalo hunter. I usually tell stories pertaining
to Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump and relate the game to what happened to the buffalo
as more and more explorers began to hunt the buffalo.
throw them like spears at the heard of buffalo 'kids" that run across the gym. When
you get hit with a noodle you become a buffalo hunter. I usually tell stories pertaining
to Head Smashed in Buffalo Jump and relate the game to what happened to the buffalo
as more and more explorers began to hunt the buffalo.
Best piece of teaching advice: If you are a coffee drinker get yourself a really good
stainless steel mug with no plastic. Yow will set it down somewhere in your travels and
find it a week later. If it is stainless steel you can wash and go. If it is plastic you will
never get that nasty taste out.
stainless steel mug with no plastic. Yow will set it down somewhere in your travels and
find it a week later. If it is stainless steel you can wash and go. If it is plastic you will
never get that nasty taste out.
Life is a journey...Let it be full of unexpected miracles.
Katey Scully, RR Northwest, and family
Name: Dustin Turner
HPEC Executive Position: Secretary
HPEC Region: Calgary
Favourite Piece of Equipment when teaching: iPad
Favourite Warm up Game: Blob Tag
Teaching Tip: Positivity goes a long way. Always keep students at the centre.
Life's a Journey...Let it be active
Dustin Turner, HPEC Secretary